Filmography . Salvador


Release date: 1986
Type: Film
Other crew: Written by: Rick Boyle
Starring: James Woods, James Belushi and Michael Murphy


A talented but troubled photojournalist finds himself out a job and out of money and decides to pursue freelance work in troubled El Salvador. Entering the county, the photojournalist and his friend witness the execution of a student by government troops and realize that the nation's political turmoil is far more serious than they were expecting. They decide to escpe the escalating violence but the photojournalist doesn't want to leave without a local woman with whom he has fallen in love.

Production Stills

Salvador (1986) Trailer


Oscar Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role James Woods Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen

Oliver Stone on the Making of “Salvador”

Salvador (1986)

Written by Oliver Stone and Richard Boyle