On questions about “Alexander Revisited: The Final Cut”
Oliver Stone.
Posted on Mon, May 14
Thank you very much for the kinds words. My heart, as you probably know, was left behind on “Alexander”. And it took me 3 years to get out a digital version that I finally was proud of, which not many know of because there was no advertising. But at least it was put out by Warner Bros in their catalogue edition; it's called “Alexander Revisited” (2007). It’s actually one of the biggest selling items in the catalogue, near 1 million copies were moved. It's also available in England, and on Amazon, but there are no foreign versions, it must be seen in English. Those who watch it will see almost another movie altogether -- 2 parts, 3hr 45, the span of his life, with an intermission falling at the right time, as in the older films. Also completely restructured. I hope, one day, it’s revived theatrically, but to quote Philip (Val Kilmer) in my film, when messing with the (film) gods, “Who knows these things?”