Filmography . Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth

Release date: 1993
Type: Film
Other crew: Written by: Le Ly Hayslip, Jay Wurts & James Hayslip
Starring: Hiep Thi Le, Tommy Lee Jones and Haing S. Ngor


Based on the true story of a Vietnamese girl who survives a life of suffering and hardship during and after the Vietnam war. As her village is destroyed, Le Ly is caught in the brutal warfare between South Vietnamese government troops and the Viet Cong, in which the victims are the innocent villagers. She leaves her village for Danang for a life as a prostitute, where she meets and marries an American soldier. Upon their return home, Le Ly has trouble adjusting to the American way of life. But not as hard a time as her husband, who, after twenty years in Vietnam, discovers he cannot adapt to civilian life.

Production Stills

HEAVEN AND EARTH - Trailer ( 1993 )


Golden Globe Winner: Best Original Score

Heaven and Earth (1993)

Written by Oliver Stone; Based on the books: "When Heaven and Earth…